Organic Long Imperator Carrot Seeds
Organic Long Imperator Carrot Seeds
Organic Long Imperator Carrot Seeds (25)
The Long Imperator variety is defined by large, straight, smooth roots that grow to be about 8 inches long when fully mature. The flesh is firm, and the flavor is excellent. It's perfect in fresh salads and is one of nature's best sources of vitamin A.
Flavor: Tender and crisp with great carrot flavor
Preparation Ideas: Tender and crisp, they go great in salads
Plant Type: Vegetable
Grows Best In: Full Sun
Days to Germination: 8-12 Days
Days to Maturity: 77 Days
Growth Type: Root
Planting Depth: .25-.5"
Seed Spacing: 15"/3"
Instructions: In full sun and well-drained soil, sow 4 seeds per inch in the row. Cover the seeds firmly with soil. When the plants are 2 inches tall, thin to 3 inches apart in the row. For fresh carrots all season, plant every 3 weeks until 75 days before the first fall frost.
Suggestions: Too much water can cause carrots to crack. They should be kept weeded (a clean mulch can reduce this job). Also, lightly place soil over exposed roots to prevent cracking.